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When the scorching heat of summer and the chilly days of winter become unbearable, our trusty air conditioning units come to the rescue. They are what we rely on to provide us with comfort and relief.

However, it would be best if you remembered that greater energy consumption comes with great comfort. This can lead to those dreaded high energy bills affecting your budget and finances.

The good news is that you can use plenty of energy-saving tips to keep your space comfortable without overstretching your budget. This article will look at some practical strategies to make your air conditioning system more energy-efficient and pocket-friendly.

Optimal temperature settings

One of the simplest yet most impactful energy-saving tips you can use is adjusting your air conditioner's temperature settings. You can expect intense heat during the summer months, but you can plan to set your thermostat a few degrees higher than you usually would.

With an indoor temperature of around 25-26°C, you should be comfortable while saving substantial energy. Additionally, consider that each degree you raise the thermostat can result in a 3-5% decrease in energy usage. As such, you will notice that a minor adjustment can yield significant benefits.

Use programmable thermostats

You must have heard of programmable thermostats and how many people use them now. With these devices, it is possible to set different temperature schedules for various times of the day. For example, you can program your thermostat to increase the temperature automatically at work.

In the same way, the temperature can be lowered when you leave for home. This eliminates the need for you to commit to your memory the need to adjust the thermostat manually and ensures you're not cooling an empty house.

Did you know that with a multi-split air conditioning system, you can set different temperatures for different rooms? This will help ensure precise control over your comfort and energy consumption. This means you can focus on cooling where needed most and avoid wasting energy in unoccupied areas.

Regular maintenance for efficient air conditioners

As you would expect in any other machine, your AC needs regular maintenance to function at its best. If the air filters are dirty or clogged, they can hinder airflow, forcing the unit to work harder and consume more energy. It is vital to clean or replace your filters as the manufacturer recommends.

Additionally, enlist the help of professionals for annual maintenance, especially for ducted systems. These professionals can inspect your system for possible leaks, clean coils, and ensure all components work correctly. Your appliance can operate more efficiently by keeping a well-maintained air conditioning unit. This will save you both energy and money in the long run.

Ensure proper insulation

Consider your home to be a giant thermos for a moment. Just like you would want your coffee to stay hot, you would also like to keep your conditioned air from escaping. It is for this reason that you need proper insulation.

If you insulate doors, windows, walls, and attics, you would have created a barrier that prevents the cooled air from seeping out. Doing this will prevent your air conditioner from overworking to maintain the desired temperature.

As such, there would be significant energy-saving over time. Remember to invest only in quality insulation materials, and remember to seal any gaps or cracks that might compromise the effectiveness of your insulation.

The need for efficient airflow

Imagine trying to breathe through a straw – not very efficient, right? Similarly, if your air conditioner's vents and registers are blocked or obstructed by furniture or curtains, it has to work harder to push air into your living space. Keep these areas clear to ensure proper airflow.

A smooth airflow helps your air conditioner operate efficiently and cool your space evenly. Consider arranging your furniture so that it will not obstruct the vents. If necessary, you can adjust the direction of the vents so that there would be optimal airflow throughout the room.

Strategic use of ceiling fans

Contrary to some people's opinion, ceiling fans aren't just for decoration. They can serve a pivotal role in your energy-saving efforts. Undoubtedly, air conditioners can cool the air, but ceiling fans can help distribute the cooled air throughout the room.

This lets you set your thermostat higher and feel just as comfortable. During the cold winter, ceiling fans with a reverse setting can push warm air downward. This will make your space cosier without having to crank up the heat.

So, instead of depending entirely on your air conditioner, you can let your ceiling fan assist in maintaining a comfortable atmosphere. This should allow you to adjust the thermostat and save energy.

Sealing leaks and drafts

You may not have realised it yet, but gaps and cracks around doors or windows can cause significant energy loss. Look around your home for drafts and leaks, and use weather stripping and caulking to seal them up. This should help to prevent cold air from escaping and warm air from entering.

This means your air conditioner will not have to work overtime to maintain the desired temperature, ultimately leading to a lower energy bill. Walk around your home and carefully inspect areas where drafts are noticeable. If you can address these gaps on time, you will notice quite a difference in your overall energy consumption.

Reduce heat generation

The heat-generating appliances like ovens, stovetops, and clothes dryers you have in your home can significantly impact your indoor temperature. This is why it is advisable that during the hottest parts of the day, you use these appliances minimally or opt for cooler alternatives.

If you can reduce heat generation, you can lower the load on your air conditioning system and enjoy additional energy savings. For example, instead of baking during the peak heat hours, consider preparing meals that need less cooking time. You can also use your microwave as this will generate less heat than a traditional oven.

Smart landscaping

The type of landscaping choice you make can influence your indoor temperature. When you strategically plant trees and shrubs, they can provide a natural shade, reducing the amount of heat that enters your home through windows. This way, your air conditioner won't have to work as hard to keep your space cool.

You can enjoy maximum effect by planting shade trees near windows and around your outdoor air conditioning unit. The shade these plants provide can create a cooler microenvironment around your home and reduce the strain on your air conditioner.

Ensuring timely upgrades

With time, your air conditioning unit will become old and inefficient. That would be the right time to consider an upgrade. With energy-saving technologies and newer models of appliances, there is less energy consumption while the same level of comfort can be provided.

Be on the lookout for appliances with the ENERGY STAR certification, a clear energy efficiency indicator. Although the initial investment may seem discouraging, the long-term savings in energy bills will likely outweigh the upfront costs. A proactive step to reduce your energy consumption will be to upgrade to a more efficient unit.

Nighttime cooling strategies

The night brings cooler temperatures, making it an excellent time to give your air conditioner a break. You can leave your windows open to allow a cool breeze in.

The natural ventilation that comes in this way will not only cool your space but can also help to improve indoor air quality.

You can also create cross-ventilation, if safety allows it, by strategically opening windows on opposite sides of your home. You must remember that if you live in an area with high humidity or poor outdoor air quality, you must balance nighttime cooling and maintaining indoor comfort.

Unoccupied room management

You don't need to cool rooms that you are not using. The doors or vents to the rooms or unoccupied areas in your home can be closed. This will help redirect the airflow to the spaces you need most. Apart from this, whenever you are away from home for an extended period, you can adjust your thermostat to a higher temperature so as to save energy.

This practice is particularly effective if you have a multi-split air conditioning system because it can allow you to customise the cooling of specific zones or rooms. You can avoid unnecessary energy expenditure by focusing your air conditioning efforts where needed.

Discuss your needs with an HVAC professional

The strategies you can employ for energy-savings in your air conditioning unit usage cannot be exhausted. Discussing it with an HVAC professional is an excellent way to know what best fits your needs. You can get all the advice you need for energy savings this way.

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Get ready for summer with Aircon Advisory

Don't wait until summer to be sure your AC can handle the heat. Call the experts at Aircon Advisory for peace of mind and to ensure your unit is running at top performance.

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